速報APP / 工具 / Package & Widget List+GridView

Package & Widget List+GridView





版本需求:Android 1.6 以上版本


Package & Widget List+GridView(圖1)-速報App


option menuを削除しました。



別アプリ「Package & Widget List」にGridViewを付けました。





"Kill Background Processes"を実行します(プロセス数が半減します).

"Uninstall Pkg"メニューを追加しました。



    Helps on Buttons, List-Items and Menus


"Uninstall" menu for easy operation.

Package & Widget List+GridView(圖2)-速報App

"Kill Background Processes" menu in Process List.

     -- For analyzing user processes.

  Header Buttons

1. Process -- src: RunningAppProcessInfo ("ps" for api22+)

2. Service -- src: RunningServiceInfo

3. Home & Icons

     -- List home-app("launcher.db" etc)

     and then list icons/widget/shortcut

     on home-pages. (src: "launcher.db")

4. Bookmark -- Bookmarked list-items

     in update-time in reverse-order.

5. Pkg & Wdgt -- List all apps and widgets.

     (src: ApplicationInfo, AppWidgetProviderInfo)

6. Help -- Shows this page.

7. GridView -- List items in grid-view.

8. Search -- Opens "Search" screen.

Package & Widget List+GridView(圖3)-速報App

  List Items Description

line# Left Side Column

#1. Seq no.

#2. " " or "wdgt"

     " " = Ordinary app

     "wdgt" = AppWidget

#3. Icon Image

#4. " " or "1" or "2"

     " " = Installed app

     1 = Installed app with ApplicationInfo.FLAG_SYSTEM

     2 = App with ApplicationInfo.FLAG_DEBUGGABLE

line# Right Side Column

#1. App Label

#2. Package Name

#3. Activity Name

#4. Install Time & Version

#5. Update Time & Size

Package & Widget List+GridView(圖4)-速報App

     -- Time shown w/ "in 1H/24H/7D/30D/6M".

#6. Build Time

 Context And Option Menu

A. Context Menu (long press on list-item)

1. Appl. Control (Os Tool)

     -- uninstall, data clear, force stop.

2. Run Pkg (Not for Widget)

3. Uninstall Pkg (Not for System apps)

4. Bookmark Pkg

5. Create Shortcut (Not for Widget)

6. Appl. Info (pkg,appl,activity,permission)

     [ Next menus for all apps ]

n. Kill Background Processes

     -- in Process List.

7. Appl. List (long listing)

Package & Widget List+GridView(圖5)-速報App

8. System & Display Info (api-no,display,property)

     -- Shows uptime, ip-address also.

9. Mem & Disk Usage (memory,disk)

10. Manage Appl. (Os Tool)

     -- Shows storage use, sd-card, running-process.

B. Option Menu ("..." menu)

     1 to 4 and 6 to 9, No screens available.

1. Sort Label -- Sort by label

     2,4,7&9. Reverse order of the before menu item.

3. Sort UpdTime -- Sort by update time

5. Search -- Goto "Search Screen"

6. Sort PkgName -- Sort by package name

8. Sort Pkg Wgt -- Packages and widgets


1. Re-"Storeing Data to List" are avoided as possible.

Package & Widget List+GridView(圖6)-速報App

 If re-storing is needed, delete the app

 in "Task History" and restart.

Package & Widget List+GridView(圖7)-速報App